Its taken me some time to sit and finally write this post. I’ve had quite a bit going on and each day I attempted to sit and write something else happened, was happening, was going to happen that I wanted to include. So now this post may end up being a complete fucking disaster from my natural born ability to procrastinate the shit out of everything I do...we'll see what happens.
I suppose the best place to start is the fact that for the past week and a half I have been in a bitch ass mood. I’ve cried, I’ve screamed, I’ve talked my poor friends heads off because I couldn’t get a grip. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get out of my own head and I found myself drowning in my own thoughts. What would cause this complete implosion of my emotional stability…??? Simple, the confirmation that Shithead (my ex) is facebook officially in a relationship. Yeah, fucking sucks. Big time. I’ve had a whole slew of the “I should be the one to move on first”…”He doesn’t deserve to be happy”…”What’s so great about her that he couldn’t find in me” thoughts and pretty much destroyed my ability to think rationally. Ultimately it got me nowhere.
No matter how many phone calls I make, how desperately I was tempted to stalk his profile/her profile/his friends profiles, how many times my entire body has tensed up while I’ve imagined punching the ever-living-shit out of his face, or how many sad songs I listened to just to force myself to cry it out…the fact still remains he is with someone else. Now just because he is in a relationship doesn’t mean he is actually happy or that it will last but details aside it still all boils down to the same thing.
The thing is, even though I felt like a part of me died, the fact still remains that he doesn’t belong with me. I could probably write a book based on all the reasons we don’t belong together from something as simple as in the 5 years we were together he never once got me my favorite flower…you could ask him what it was and without hesitation he would say “Sunflower” but yet the fucker never once bought me a goddamn sunflower. Sure he gave me flowers on numerous occasions so was it so difficult to pick the ones that would make my heart melt? It wasn’t, he just didn’t want to. Then there were things more serious such as him never going on vacation (travel is important to me and in 5 years the biggest trip we took was to Boston and we live in NY…wtf), his temper, his lower sex drive (I could not spend the rest of my life with someone I had to constantly beg to be kissed or touched or whatever), constantly being stressed and on edge that he would break up with me again…and the list goes on.
So, yes we are better off apart but that doesn’t make it all hurt any less. I gave everything I had and then some to the relationship. I was willing to compromise so much of myself for him and to be with him. I clearly loved him more then he loved me, if he really loved me at all. And I walk away without him but with a lot of lessons, a stronger hard and a tougher backbone. Maybe one day I will actually post our story…that is sure to be a good read.
* Since there's no more you and me
It's time I let you go so I can be free*
That song, my god, that song!! I can’t believe I hadn’t thought about it until now but its words are so true. While I’ve spent the last few days trying to figure out how to get him out of my head, my heart and my vocabulary I found myself starting to feel the weight being lifted off of me. I know these things are not nearly as easy as flipping a switch but I actually feel a lot better now. I can sleep better, breathe easier and not feel like I’m desperately grasping for something that’s out of my reach. It’s fantastic!
Now I feel like I can officially call my new theme song “Ridin Solo” by Jason Derulo…here are a few clips which I think describe my new outlook perfectly…
*No one to answer to,
no one that's gonna argue, no,
And since I got the hold off me,
I'm living life now that I'm free, yeah*
*better days are gonna get better*
*I'm so sorry that it didn't work out I'm moving on,
I'm so sorry but it's over now,
the pain is gone*
*Now I'm feeling how I should,
never knew single could feel this good*
*Living my life ain’t got stress no more*
The Juicy Details: Really there are no juicy details pertaining to this post. Initially I thought I would include an update on the men who deserve or think they deserve to occupy my time but it turned into a bit of a venting session. I confess that I allowed thoughts of my ex to occupy way too many of my thoughts, be the cause of way too many of my tears and be the trigger of stress and sleepless nights. As part of this blog I made a promise to be open and honest and not hold anything back so while I feel embarrassed for allowing myself to be so caught up with someone who has told me in no uncertain terms that he doesn’t want me I know it needed to be said. But I can see the beauty and excitement in my current situation…I can go where I want, with who I want, when I want…no more stress…no more desperately loving someone…and most of all the fact that I am now available to find my person and I can’t wait to meet him!!