Good Morning Loves!!! I’ve missed you all soo very much!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for not abandoning me while I’ve been completely MIA from life in general these past few weeks. I’d dish it all out for you but I promise the details are as ugly as a Monday…
But here is the overview...I was crazy sick and had to postpone my dates, they ran down the list of infections, found inflamed lymph nodes and had to check for cancer (I’m clear thank god) now I’m finally feeling better ..then my car was rear ended while I was on my way to work which threw me into such a rage the guy that hit me was practically shaking, oops and to put the cherry on top of this fuck my life sundae I ended up having to get an emergency wisdom tooth extraction right before Christmas. This caused me to miss a 12 Pubs of Christmas bar crawl I had planned with a few of my girlfriends for which I got the most amazing toy soldier costume...I need to find a use for it now. The Vicodin was a blast but not being able to eat like the piglets my cousins and I turn into on the holidays was fucking miserable. God Bless desert though…nice and soft and extraction friendly…but fuck you desert for making feel like a lump of fat the past few days. When a doctor prescribes a diet of shakes and ice cream and no exercise it makes me wonder if he may be the devil.
So as we all can see amongst all this insanity my poor blog has been neglected and my adventures derailed which is really the biggest travesty of all. Seriously, fuck you December. I’m so over 2010...get it the fuck away from me. Bring on the new year because this year fucking sucked…with one exception being the creation this blog and meeting all of you. Seriously, thanks for being a tremendous highlight in an otherwise fairly shit ass year. Your comments, emails, and your own blogs have touched me in so many ways (and I liked it every time…can I have seconds?) I can’t wait for a brand new year with all of you!!
Onto more fun and interesting things...There was a chance I was going to be heading to Miami for NYE but due to a few complications, such as ticket prices skyrocketing we switched focus back to NYC, which in the long run is probably better for me but not for you since I can’t even imagine the stories I would have come back with. I'm hoping I am back in tip top shape to party it up for NYE and bring back some good stories for all to drool over…I have to make up for not going to party in the city where the heat is on (sorry I had to!!) I’ve got a couple more days to rid my face of my bruise and perk up to my normal party standards. Wait, screw that…I need to be above normal. I haven’t have a fun night out in nearly a month and I deserve it. So I need to step it up and rock the fuck out. I’ve got till midnight to find a hottie to make out with and damn it I will!! Its that or Patches will be getting a face-full of me!
There is a chance that Jim from way back to The Office Episodes 1 & 2 may come with my friends and I for NYE. I haven’t seen him since our last date and we haven’t talked too much since I botched the fuck out of his invite to his birthday but yesterday we got to chatting and when I heard he didn’t have any plans yet I, in a moment of crazy I couldn't keep at bay, extended an invitation to him to join us. Um what?!? Who does that?!?! This may end up being awesome or seriously stupid. I won’t be upset if he says no and then again I may be upset if he agrees. If he comes I basically just ended my chances of flirting for the evening…if there are hot guys there I will want to kill myself…if not, then score for me. I anticipate him giving me an answer today so let’s wait and see what happens.
Either way…I hope you all have a safe, happy, get-drunk-and-make out New Years!!! (please leave your cars at home!!) Emphasis is especially on the make out part because you know me and that’s my favorite. Anyone who doesn’t have someone to kiss on NYE let me know, I’ll tell you where I’ll be and I will be happy to kiss you. I promise you there is no better way to start the year then a kiss from me. xoxo